House Bill 3720 (formerly H.159), An Act to Promote the Successful Transition of Students with Disabilities to Post-Secondary Education, Employment, and Independent Living

MAC was instrumental in the passage of H. 3720 (formerly H.159) An Act to Promote the Successful Transition of Students with Disabilities to Post-Secondary Education, Employment and Independent Living, codified as Chapter 51 of the Acts of 2012

The law requires the Board of Education to revise educator licensure regulations to provide a mechanism for current special education teachers and rehabilitation counselors to obtain a Specialist Teacher Endorsement in Transition Services.

With transition specialists prepared to provide services already required under federal law, the law helps to ensure that existing dollars are spent in a more effective manner and will improve competitive employment and independent living outcomes for students with disabilities ages 14 – 22 years old. The law also helps reduce litigation costs, by providing school districts with trained personnel necessary to fully implement the transition requirements of federal special education law.

Upon passage of the bill, lead sponsor Representative Tom Sannicandro stated, “this legislative victory belongs to a lot of people, including students and parents who told their story, who collected signatures, and who delivered their message to policy makers in a powerful way. This legislation will empower students with disabilities by better preparing them for independent living. Skills such as navigating a bus route, cooking a meal, and managing a budget will now be integrated into the curriculum for these students. This training will help more students with disabilities hold jobs and be active and engaged members of the community.”