
Manuel is a three-year-old Latinx student with autism living in Boston.

Prior to turning three, he was receiving early intervention services through the Department of Public Health. In accordance with state and federal law, early intervention made a referral to Boston Public Schools to ensure that he experienced a smooth transition, with provision of district special education services when he turned 3 years old. The district conducted an initial evaluation and IEP meeting. However, school officials told his mother that they did not have a classroom available for Manuel, and that he would be put on a “wait list” for services, in clear contravention of the law. While waiting for a placement, Manuel remained at home without any services. That’s when his mother called MAC’s Helpline and got the assistance she needed. MAC staff immediately notified the special education director of Boston regarding the urgent situation, and the matter was informally and quickly resolved. Within exactly one month of turning three, Manuel started going to school in Boston and also received compensatory special educational services for the time he was out of school.