Catherine Mayes, Autism Center Advocate, retires from MAC

MAC sends our best wishes and sincere thanks to Catherine Mayes, Autism Center Advocate, as she retires after serving as MAC’s Autism Center Advocate for over ten years.

Catherine first came to MAC as a Helpline caller, seeking assistance regarding her son, who is on the autism spectrum. She approached advocacy with a characteristic warmth and sense of humor. As Autism Center Advocate, she responded to Helpline calls and provided intensive technical assistance to parents and caregivers of children with autism, providing guidance and support as they navigated various barriers their children faced in regards to educational and life opportunities.

During her time at MAC, Catherine transformed the lives of countless children – often serving as the first point of contact for families receiving a new diagnosis or feeling stuck in regards to services for their children. Her tireless and compassionate advocacy in collaboration with MAC’s legal staff resulted in safer school placements for children facing bullying in school, therapies for children with autism to learn to communicate effectively and improve their behavior, and improved educational outcomes for children who may have otherwise been overlooked.

Catherine looks forward to pursuing art projects and spending more time with family. We will miss her presence in the office and wish her the best in her retirement.