Trauma-Sensitive Remote Learning: Keeping Connections Strong

Students, families, and educators alike are facing  stressful challenges resulting from sudden school closures and abrupt shifts to remote learning.  Recently TLPI convened a group of trauma-sensitive school leaders to listen to the many ways in which they are using the trauma lens to buffer the traumatic effects of these challenges and guide their work in these difficult times. Please read more about their thinking and guiding questions here. We plan to  share the document with the MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to help inform their COVID-19 response.

Keeping Connections Strong

Trauma-sensitive school leaders emphasized the urgency of connecting with each student and family to re-establish the all-important relationships that can sustain students through the crisis and make sure families are safe by providing referrals to resources. As one school leader stated: “We using whatever means possible and we’re not stopping until we make contact with every family in the district.”  Once the connection is made a major goal  is ensuring that students understand through regular contact that they continue to belong to a caring school community.   Maintaining the ongoing connection can help to buffer the traumatic stress, help students calm themselves to learn, and encourage them to look forward enthusiastically to returning to school.

As the leaders described their roles in the current crisis, it became clear what a critical role schools continue to serve in the safety net for vulnerable students and families in this unprecedented timePlease read more here.

We are grateful to the trauma-sensitive leaders who shared their wisdom and insights with us. 

This post was published by MAC’s Trauma and Learning Policy Initiative, a collaboration with Harvard Law School whose mission is to ensure that children impacted by family violence and other adverse childhood experiences succeed in school. Click here to see the original post.